Education is Key With an Entry Level Job at KIPP

Education is Key With an Entry Level Job at KIPP was originally published on College Recruiter.

Did you know that only 1 out of 5 low-income children make it to college? That’s a frightening statistic, but KIPP is a network of (mostly) charter schools that have combined to have a 95% college matriculation rate for the low-income students whom they serve. “KIPP began in 1994 when two teachers, Mike Feinberg and Dave Levin, launched a fifth-grade public school program in inner-city Houston, TX, after completing their commitment to Teach For America.” The success of the initial program has led to the creation of 66 schools, all of which follow a unique approach to education. Apparently the schools are run independently, but the KIPP Foundation provides support across the network of schools – that’s why they have quite a few job opportunities outside of teaching. Continue reading about KIPP…
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