You might be the kid who loved being outdoors, exploring the nearby woods and collecting bugs in a jar or taking samples from the local pond to look at under your most prized possession: a microscope (you know, the one …
There are many entry level jobs available for recent college graduates, but some career fields like healthcare, accounting and finance, and science and engineering seem to fare better than others. And the science field is expanding into other areas, such …
Biology is one of the most popular college majors. What kinds of biology jobs are out there for you? We heard from Dr. Jeffrey S. Heilveil, who chairs the Biology Department at SUNY College at Oneonta. He has observed …
When you think of Pfizer, you probably think of one of a few blockbuster drugs the company has helped develop. And because pharmaceuticals is the company’s core focus, many people working at Pfizer are, of course, scientists. However, taking a …
If you have a biology degree—or you’re about to get one—you may feel like there are only a few jobs that you’re suited for, and almost all of them require further schooling. But as a biology major, you’re qualified for …