Developing soft skills virtually.
Calling all university students, this programme is for you!
Calling all university students, this programme is for you!
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Work-readiness skills are the behavioural skills that enable students to transition effectively into the world of work, and to rapidly add value to their organisations.
Research suggests these skills are vital, with both employers and students citing them as desirable in enhancing performance and efficacy.
As we transition into a hybrid working environment, new skills will be required to effectively work remotely.
We are offering a range of free virtual experiences which are designed to arm you specifically with the work-readiness skills that will help you to navigate these changing times, and empower you to thrive as you seek and secure placements, internships and graduate roles.
#1 Wellbeing and resilience
Humans are hardwired to dislike uncertainty. The oldest and the most instinctive parts of our brains drive much of our behaviour, and they infinitely prefer and operate significantly better under certainty. As such, times of ambiguity and uncertainty can pose a challenge to mental wellbeing and resilience – a skill frequently listed by employers as one of the most desirable in student talent. In this Virtual Experience you will have the opportunity to build valuable skills to protect and enhance your wellbeing and resilience. You will learn to adopt positive mindsets and habits will be essential in order to thrive and sustain performance. By completing this programme, you will learn how to demonstrate resilience – the optimism to continue when you’ve experienced difficulties – no matter what comes your way.
#2 Virtual First Impressions
Making a strong initial impression and developing a positive personal brand has always been a key behavioural skill, particularly for students seeking to secure longer-term employment. In the current hybrid working environment, the contexts in which impressions and personal brands are conveyed are fewer, less familiar and more remote. This puts more importance on the interactions you do have. In this Virtual Experience you will have the opportunity to practice bringing your most optimistic and proactive self to limited interactions, and learn to ensure you are heard, but that you do not dominate virtual meetings. By completing this programme, you will create a solid foundation and perspective on how to develop a memorable and positive first impression and a sought-after personal brand via a remote setting, which will last.
#3 Virtual Networking
A traditional benefit of any form of work experience is the networking opportunities they provide, be that with peers, managers or senior leaders from across the business. While the idea of networking often strikes fear into the hearts of people, it’s a very important skill to master in order to enjoy a fruitful career. Learning this skill early on pays significant dividends over the long-term. In a virtual and remote working environment, the rules and methods of networking have become more complex. In this Virtual Experience you will learn top tips for how to network effectively in a virtual context. By completing this programme, you will have the opportunity to pre-plan your virtual networking strategy and be able to maximise every connection you make.
This program is self-paced. It takes approximately 5-6 hours to complete.
Skills Learned:
How to reframe your inner talk to build your resilience
Create your ‘positive inner voice’- Resilience
- Positive self-talk
How to create a memorable first impression virtually
Create your personal brand to make the right first impression- Personal brand
- First impressions
How to network virtually
Create your online networking strategy- Communication
- Networking online
- Online presence
Using Covey’s Circles of Concern to build resilience and protect wellbeing
Apply the circles of concern to my current situation- Resilience
- Wellbeing
- Self-reflection
Making the most of the virtual opportunities
Create a strategy for virtual interview opportunities- Personal brand
- First impressions
- Interview preparation
Making the most of your virtual internship opportunity
How to network virtually during an internship- Networking
- Working virtually
- Making an impact